What We Do

What we do

Culinary Institute by VejleErhverv is located in Food Innovation House and is part of Vejle Municipality's big food investment, where food innovation is at the top of the agenda. Vejle Business is part of Vejle Municipality and makes it possible for us to pull on a large business network, with more than 7.000 employees within the food industry alone.

The culinary adventure started back in 2018, with the vision of creating a space for the healthy and sensory meal, as the foundation for quality of life. Among other things, we are able to do this through holistic sensory experience, where we make sense of all senses, through experiential learning.

We have worked with a variety of challenges and issues, small and large, all with the purpose of transferering knowledge, which has helped food companies to rediscover the joy of food and implemented improvements. We do this, based on a mantra that focus on intelligent food in relation to, what the body needs. Over time, we have been involved in several fun and creative projects:

  • Helped schools, canteens and nursing homes to rethink food.
  • Developed the food industry in collaboration with educational institutions and interdisciplinary networks.
  • Supported local suppliers to increase entrepreneurship.
  • Organized a handful of different events, with food as the center of attention.
Dommer sidder og smager retter mens publikum ser på til Kokkenes Kokketalent 2021
Sovs bliver hældt over ret til Kokkenes Kokketalent 2021

Our work at Culinary Institute by VejleErhverv is centered around a food star, where all the tips represent keywords, that has a significant role in all of the projects, we are involved in:

Food, Business, Improvement, Front Runners, UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The food aspect covers every know and unknown edible elements. Business has to do with all the areas, where a trade takes place. Improvement is not based on changes, but innovation. Frontrunners are the innovators, who start the trends when it comes to food, gastronomy and sensory experience. We are constantly trying to remind ourselves, and others, of the importance of doing something for the greater good. That is why, it is so important to us, that the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals are always, actively involved in every aspects of our work.

What we offer

Orange, grøn og hvid ret i en glaskuppel ovenpå hø

Holistic sensory

We work on stimulating and engaging with all 5 senses. In order to achieve the full taste experience, the following 5 basic flavors and 2 textures has to be present in a good dish: sweet, sour, bitter, umami, soft and crispy.

'The full dining experience can be divided into different, individual experiences. Not only, do we focus on the plate itself, but also the immediate area, the entire universe you eat in, and the people you eat with. Through ‘gastronomical effects’, such as color, sound and light, we are able to bring all the senses to life and embrace it, as a whole.

Deltager anretter urter oven på tartelet til VM i Tartelet 2019

Food development

Improvement, not change. Our focus is on the meal. Previously, we have worked on understanding food in various ways for schools, canteens, institutions and nursing homes. Way too often, essential components are overlooked or made even more complicated, than what is necessary.

Instead of focusing on change, we are interested in making improvements. Change often sets people in a big dilemma and the crucial question gets lost in translation; Who is the change an improvement for? If your company are able to answer the question, then there is no need for change.

Lyksvad kaviar bliver placeret på tallerken af deltager til Kartoffelprisen 2021


Strong concept, strong identity. When it comes to conceptualization our main focus is to establish the framework for a strong and transparent concept, that is aligned with the company identity and brand. Whether it concerns the conceptualization of a new restaurant, menu or products.

The more detailed and clear your concept appears to the customers, the less they will doubt on, what they get and what they won’t. To ensure great satisfaction among customers, our work is centered around the well-documented work method: The 1925-model.

To deltagere står i køkkenet og er i gang med at anrette en ret til GastroCrowd

Food workshops

We conduct a lot of different food workshops for both companies and schools. Both in regards to network meetings, teambuilding, learning process and so on. Previously, we have conducted workshops with topics like taste, climate food, holistic sensory and so much more.

Read more about what we have to offer and how you can book a fun and useful activity for your colleagues or students.

To deltagere står i køkkenet og er i gang med at anrette en ret til GastroCrowd


Do you need guidance for your entrepreneur company? We are ready to help food startups in both Vejle Municipality and across Denmark. We are here to set you up with the right connections and develop your company to the next level. Everything from matchmaking, product development, member of an entreprenur network and conceptualizataion.

Read more about what we have to offer and how we can help you on your journey.

Innovative and inspirering environment

Would you like to arrange your next meeting or product presentation in an innovative and inspirering enviroment with a selection of physical and digital opportunities? At Culinary Institute by VejleErhverv we are ready to help your food company to reach its full potential in the coolest environment. Get an overview over the different opportunities we offer under here.

Madforsker Line Ahm Mielby fortæller om holistisk sensorik for andre deltagere


Et bord med burgere og chips står anrettet foran fire deltagere


Maria fra BRYG Coffee House fremviser hvordan man brygger en god kop kaffe i et lokale med grønne gulve

Product presentation

Deltager Victor Gram Højris forbedreder retter til Kartoffelprisen 2021

Development kitchen

Rie fra Syltet placerer syltede rødlæg på to hotdogs i et lokale med grønne gulve

Digital sales meetings

To deltagere står i køkkenet og er i gang med at anrette en ret til GastroCrowd

Food events

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